Jamu Canang Sari Blend
Jamu Canang Sari Blend
The signature handmade essential oil blend of Jennifer Jones Designs, Jamu is personally brewed by Hope and Jennifer alongside Jamu masters. It includes the fragrant Cempaka blossom, an evergreen Asian Magnolia known throughout time for its stress relieving properties. Cempaka is mythologically connected with the enlightenment of the Buddha and is known as the Tree of Joy. Frangipani (plumeria) has a floral green aroma and is traditionally used for balancing pairs of opposites: yin and yang, dark and light, despair and hope. Ylang-ylang reduces anxiety and depression, offering a fragrant calming for the heart and breath. It is the essential oil of the Inner child. Pandan, a grass used in preparing Balinese holy water, is used in Jamu to reduce fever and relieve indigestion. It is the creative participation with the spirit of these plants that activates the healing on all levels. As above, so below. What is within is also without.
The signature blend of our Jamu line, the Jamu blend is a rich infusion of tropical flowers in organic, fractionated coconut oil.